My Theme is Night in the Woods,'If you go down to the woods today, your sure of a big surprise' when you go down to the woods you feel scared and your imagination goes wild and start seeing things. I want my night to be like. I am taking the woods somewhere that I have in mind, going to make the props for the woods and have fun. The song 'if you go down to the woods today' really freaks me out, bit creepy, so I put it on. I am inspire by Beatrix Potter with her beautiful little drawing, painting of landscape and woods and her stories. With the event I am working in that style with woodland animals and make the event eerie with a dark twist. I am going to have entertainment, a live band- Unshaggables, a DJ- Oldest Toddler, maybe a dance group and a back drop with animation playing at the back of them. I am going to make masks for them made out of latex, easy to breath and not to heavy on the face, then add materials on the latex- would like my mask to be unusual wood land animals (Beatrix Potter, good example) The film Fantastic Mr.Fox is such a delightful film to watch. I am fond of the animation and how they move. Also their faces, would be keen to work in that way with the furry faces and would like to create that on my masks. I find this artist eerie and wonderful Dennis Mc'Nett, he creative a window display called the Barney Display with enormous animal heads on the manneguins shaped out of wood.
Research: I looked at Jiggery Pokery, they organize events and it looks fun. The Smirnoff advert Summer Night Dream and Mighty Boosth The Mod Wolf. I'm inspired by Beatrix Potter and would like my night to be unusual with the research that I am looking at. Also going to read the Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter, some notes and more ideas. I am also going to go to the Manchester National History Museum to draw the stuffed animals for the mask making.
I have decided to change my personal project a little: instead organizing a Music Event Night I have decided to create a Virtual Music Event. The reason why I changed my ideas slightly because I had spoken to my Dad and asked him to play at the Event and he said "it will be freezing outside, have it inside the pub but it is small and there be no space for a dance group and also I don't think the owner will let you change the layout inside and their local to consider." I thought of hiring somewhere upstairs in a bar in Manchester but it is going to cost me a lot of money.
A good friend of mine came up with the solution/idea to have a Virtual Event Night and pretend the Event happened. I am going to create a set and actually have the live band, DJ and a dance group in the woods, with the masks on and people dancing and have the set photographed by a student photographer. I will also pretend to promote the night and look how to do that with emails, posters/flyer etc.
The outcome of the personal project is having a documentary of my process from A to B, have a few photographs of the set and a finished poster/flyer for the promotion.